Rexx To Java Convert Rexx To Java With Java For Mac

Posted : admin On 18.01.2019
Rexx To Java Convert Rexx To Java With Java For Mac Rating: 8,2/10 2039 votes

I'd like to parse REXX source so that I can analyse the structure of the program from Java. I need to do things like normalise equivalent logic structures in the source that are syntactically different, find duplicate variable declarations, etc. And I already have a Java background. It is obviously not hard to run a java program from a REXX script by just invoking the 'java' command - either by using the 'SH' environment, or by using bpxwunix(). The ISPF code would invoke the REXX EXEC, which, in turn, calls the Java code. The Java code updates the properties file and should return a pass/fail indicator. This could be part of a multiproduct installation system or a standalone application. Java Bean Scripting with Rexx, page 3-27 2) E.g. BSF supports the dynamic Java method resolution depending on the datatypes supplied with the name of a method which should get invoked on the given Java object. I'd like to parse REXX source so that I can analyse the structure of the program from Java. I need to do things like normalise equivalent logic structures in the source that are syntactically different, find duplicate variable declarations, etc. And I already have a Java background.

  1. Rexx To Java Convert Rexx To Java With Java For Mac
  2. Convert Rexx To Cobol

/* REXX */ /* Set up environment - else java executable can't be found */ env.0=1 env. 1='P ATH= /bin.:/ usr/ lpp/ java /J5.

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Rexx To Java Convert Rexx To Java With Java For Mac

/* No standard input lines in this case */ stdin.0=0 /* XML file name */ ifn='test4.xml' /* XPath expression to evaluate */ XPat hExp ress ion= '//b ook[ auth or=' Neal Step hens on'] /tit le/t ext( )' /* Execute java program with XML file name and XPath expression */ cmd='java XPat hEva luat or.c lass ' ifn ''X Path Expr essi on' ' call bpxwunix cmd, stdi n.,s tdou t.,s tder r.,e nv. Say 'stdout:' say '=======' do i=1 to stdout.0 say i stdout.i end say 'stderr:' say '=======' do i=1 to stderr.0 say i stderr.i end. Here's the XML file we're processing, so the XPath expression makes sense. Snow Crash Neal Stephenson S pect ra 05 5338 0958 1 4.95 Burning Tower Larry Niven Jerry Pournelle P ocke t 07 4341 6910 5.99 Z odia c Neal Stephenson S pect ra 05 5357 3862 7.50.

IBM MAINFRAME: converting to numeric values in rexx ->:::: Author Message kanna n New User Joined: 04 Oct 2007 Location: pune Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:51 pm Post subject: converting to numeric values in rexx Hi, i am reading a report using rexx and getting certain values onto some variables. But values are present as 1,960(commas between numbers). So when i do any arthematic operations on thet values getting error as 'Bad arithmetic conversion'. Is there any way to convert those into numeric values in rexx? Ex: i want to convert 1,960 as 1960(without commas and should be numeric value). Please post your valuable suggestions, thanks.

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Convert Rexx To Cobol

Enrico-sorichetti Senior Member Joined: 14 Mar 2007 Location: italy Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:06 pm Post subject: Reply to: converting to numeric values in rexx Code: space(translate('1,234,567',' ',','),0) kanna n New User Joined: 04 Oct 2007 Location: pune Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:03 pm Post subject: Reply to: converting to numeric values in rexx Hello Enrico, Thanks a lot, it worked very well. Regards superk Moderator Team Head Joined: 26 Apr 2004 Location: Raleigh, NC, USA Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:01 pm Post subject: Reply to: converting to numeric values in rexx SPACE and TRANSLATE are a few of of those key REXX functions along with PARSE. You should learn them well as you will use them a lot.:::: -> All times are GMT + 6 Hours Page 1 of 1 Search our Forum.